Saturday, 28 March 2009

Easter deliciousness

These are for Tyran and Hayley's friends in lieu of Easter eggs. I'm so tired of either paying an absolutely fortune at M&S or Waitrose for non tv character branded eggs and I refuse to bombard the kids with those anyway. And having looked around at the eggs available, it's all same old, same old. I'll get a small chocolatey something for Jasmine as well as the biscuits, but nothing major.

I'm really pleased with how these turned out. I saw the idea on someone's photostream on Flickr and couldn't resist having a go. They were much easier to do than I expected and I think they look gorgeous. Only another 15 to go now....

Oh, and I'm making a dragon cake for Tyran's class. They've been doing a topic on dragons this term, which has been far more amazing than I expected. They've named their dragon Scorch and they all seem to adore him. He's silver and purple, so that'll be an interesting task for me in terms of icing! I'm prepared to work hard at him though because he's done quite a lot for Tyran. So far he has:
- improved the appearance of Tyran's writing because he's really inspired Tyran to write stories and poems about him. I even got a story book made especially for the kids in my class, complete with illustrations - very sweet!
- taught Tyran about aerial photos and maps (very successfully I have to say)
- helped Tyran to write a poem about dragons.

So here's hoping it all goes well. Photos to follow when he's more than lumps of un-iced cake!

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