Thursday, 2 June 2011

Clouds, sugar and pebbles

No a lot of photos this half term (I know!!!!!), but lots of rushing about. Went to Brighton with friends on Monday. It was cold and miserable, but the kids had a good time, particularly after Hayley found a dead fish on the beach! They enjoyed the company, as always, though 2 giggling 5 year olds can be wearing after a while!

I also agreed to candyfloss at the end of the day because other children were allowed to have it. Tyran did his usual over excited response to it and then ate very little. Hayley polished it off in about 10 seconds.

The highlight of my day was wandering, unintentionally, past a second hand camera shop. They had a lens I've been after for ages for £100 less than it retails at new. There was someone with me who was happy to negotiate a price for me, so by the time that was done and I'd negotiated a trade in for the lens I've been wanting to upgrade for ages, I came away a very happy customer. And I'm still really happy with the results. Amazing the difference a good quality lens makes.

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