Monday, 18 April 2011

Rock pools and sunny sands

Well, perhaps not that sunny initially. We're in the Isle of Wight on holiday. I needed to return after a lovely holiday last Easter. Angelika and I decided to return to a beach we really liked last year. It's out of the way and quaint and has lovely rockpools to explore when the tide is out.

Now, those of you in South Africa are going to think I've gone a little mad, but it's really exciting to find shrimps 3mm long and crabs as big as my thumb nail. We spent ages searching and shouting out in joy when we found any little living thing.

It wasn't a particularly warm day the first day here. It was a very good thing that my toenails were painted purple!

Photo highlight of the day: my dad walking along the beach with pink fishing net and a bucket of dinky crabs which were obviously very interesting!!

Yesterday we went to The Needles, expecting not much. It was breathtakingly beautiful in reality and well worth the visit. Small moment of panic over a bus ride back down a very steep and windy road, but that's been forgotten... mostly!

As ever, plenty more photos on Flickr, a good few set to private so make sure you've signed in.

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