Friday, 11 February 2011

I'm sorry, OK?!

Good grief, the pressure to blog! Honestly people, I don't really have anything interesting to say or show you. Anyway, I've been up to my eyeballs in horrible work stuff and I'm stressed and grumpy so trust me, not blogging is a good thing!

My boy is 8 today. So grown up and yet still such a lovely little boy who loves little boy things and still has his feet firmly rooted in all things imaginery and childlike. You'll be pleased to know that Baby Dragon is celebrating her birthday today too. She comes out of hiding for such events and is still fiercely protected if anyone dares mention she might not be real. Needless to say, the knights and dragon Playmobil he got from various people this morning was much appreciated.

We have a bowling and pizza hut party lined up for Sunday. There won't be many kids there, so it'll be manageable yet fun. Or that's the plan anyway! He has requested a monster cake, that he saw in one of my cake books. I'm relieved in a way after the disaster that was Hayley's birthday cake. Don't think I could cope with the pressure.

A photo of my birthday boy. Fake smile and all.

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