Wednesday, 26 May 2010

My son, the thug!

Ok, he's not a thug really. Don't think he could be a thug even if he tried his very best to be one! However, he learned yesterday that no-one takes on a cricket bat and wins.

It was just an accident during PE. The school is hugely apologetic and concerned, but accidents happen and to be perfectly honest, knowing Tyran, he was standing around in a dwaal (what is the English equivalent for that word??!) as usual and didn't even see it coming.

He can't get the strips wet for 5 days, which means no showers and no swimming. Luckily the weather is cooler now than last weekend and earlier this week, so he'll survive life without a paddling pool. He might have a scar, but hey, what's a boy without a scar on his face?!

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