Friday, 10 April 2009

Easter cake and other bits and bobs.

In all it's glorious tackiness! It's so rich and sickening that I can only manage a tiny nibble, which is probably a very good thing. The kids, of course, are very impressed with it. No accounting for taste really.

We've been given 2 new pets - Russian Dwarf Hamsters. Someone at work was desperate to get rid of them and being the oh so intelligent person I am, I flippantly suggested that they must be really sweet and I'd gladly have them. I said it in a very tongue in cheek way, but not having transparent cheeks, that obviously wasn't as clear to the other person as I thought it would be.

As far as the kids are aware, we're just looking after them for the holidays. I've agreed to take them on a trial basis with a view to keeping them, but I suspect the only trial will be trying to foist them onto someone else. The kids have already named them Charlie and Lola (original huh?) and adore them. Not sure how long the novelty will last though. I have to admit, I think they're pretty sweet really, especially when dipped in chocolate.

Speaking of which, one of them seems to have a bit of a weakness for chocolate and tried to gnaw away Hayley's sleeve that was covered in chocolate cake batter. better watch out for that. Can't have anyone trying to steal my chocolate!

We spent the morning making mod roc animals while Anthony started painting the bedroom. Tyran and Hayley are making a string of fish. Hayley and I are making a bunny. So watch this space.

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