Sunday, 18 January 2009

The makings of a birthday cake

Well, there's nothing cake like here, but I've made a start on the figures for it. So far I have Peter Pan's head, Hook's head and a crocodile. I've tried to use pre coloured fondant as far as possible to avoid having to knead in colour, but then ended up doing so anyway! My wrist is absolutely killing me now though. I'm seeing a specialist on Tuesday so will see what happens next, but I'm terrified he'll suggest something that will prevent me from finishing this cake. I can do lots of things 1 handed, but cake decorating isn't one of those things.

They all look a little odd for now, so use your imagination - lots of it! The crocodile will be in "water" that surrounds the pirate ship, so he's in bits so only bits of him stick out. Peter Pan will hopefully be standing, but I'm not holding my breath and Hook will have one foot up on the deck, again, hopefully! If that doesn't work he can steer the ship - that'll prop him up! I'm going to have to buy loads of pre coloured brown fondant to cover the ship, but I'll marble my own blue water. Tyran is still on at me about making all the Lost Boys (maybe, depends on time and wrist movement/pain) and Wendy. Or "Windy" as Hayley insists on calling her.

Tell you what though, give me a 3D Heffalump cake or a knight slaying a dragon any way! This has already taken me a couple of hours and I haven't even started on the really fiddly bits. Tyran is very taken with them so far though and keeps going over to the table to have a look at them. Fingers crossed it all works please!!

1 comment:

  1. words fail me! Once again, you should start your own business ....
